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URDUHAMASR.DK, is an internet magazine of studies in URDU & DANISH literature, is aimed at URDU-readers who are not familiar with DANISH language but would like to read its literature.  URDUHAMASR.DK provides them large varieties of Danish literature translated into URDU. 

URDUHAMASR.DK is also intended for those who, prefer to retain their link with their heritage language URDU. Urdu is a beautiful language of the Indo-Pakistan Sub-continent, and its literature is rich and vast, comparable to those of the few better known modern languages of the World . On the other hand the study of the Danish literature  tanslated into Urdu can in itself be a rewarding act, regardless of the reader's orientation. Like Urdu, Danish is not only a language, it is a culture.

URDUHAMASR.DK edited by Huma Nasar & Nasar Malik, is highly regarded as a prestigious and the only literary interne-magazine. Packed with Danish Short Stories & Poetry translated into Urdu. URDUHAMASR.DK brings a  treasure of Danish literature to its URDU readers to enjoy.

Currently website maintained by Sandesh Shrestha.